
Sometimes our subjects come according to the verb. In these cases, the subjects should always be in agreement with the verbs. As shown in the table above, the verb „to be“ in the singular will be changed to „am“, „are“ or „is“ depending on the grammatical person used. However, it will be too „plural“. I am happy. You are happy. He is happy! Subjects and verbs match. But what if the subject is a more complicated noun? Dan explains 3 ways to deal with difficult subject-verb correspondence. In English, subjects and verbs must correspond to the number they represent; This is called the agreement of the subjects. Finally, in English, we can combine the specific article THE with an adjective to create a group noun that „all of…“ That means.

This is a common practice for nationalities. They also take a plural account. However, if two singular words are connected by „or“ or „nor“, a singular verb should be used: here, each member of the family does something different…

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