
Our case will be submitted separately to the IRC. The priority of the association has also focused on setting up the best possible case for the IRC in order to obtain a price that offers better remuneration and conditions for police officers. We thank every member who testified demonstrating the work of the police to support a salary increase, which was filed yesterday without objection in evidence. Type of organisation and coverage: an association of industrial, legal, research and administrative employees linked to the police association in New South Wales The role of the police in an emergency – from bushfires to floods to Covid-19 – has attracted the use of terms such as „Triple Zero Heroes“, but without government intervention, The state of play remains a „null proposition“: For our part, we will focus on the most important evidence, namely the affidavits that support the circumstances of police officers and the imperative justification for a pay rise, especially when we reflect on all the extraordinary work that police officers are currently doing in the state of NSW. Over the past 12 months, NSW police have been asked to do so much and have been forced in court to argue for fair action.

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